Sunday, June 22, 2008

// Intro for the Record

Just for the record, we have to intro with this. We couldn't think of another intro better than the infamous Solomon, who wrote, "The beginning of knowledge is to Fear God." Proverbs 1:7

We know or at least we assume that "fear" is not a scary term. In fact it is a term we associate with reverence and honor. We can officially begin knowledge as we know it by honoring God. After all He is all knowing, all wise, and all powerful. It seems here on earth's turf when we brainstorm, we pull out pens. But when God brainstormed, He took a deep breath...and the rest is history. 

With all due respect, this is the age of the cortex, i.e. the data age. Just think how progressive we would be if we indulged in the "fear" of God, rather then the fear of ignorance?


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